Steps To Profit With Paid To Click Sites

When I first discovered PTC sites, I thought, hey I can make piles of money each month in a very short time! I would just have to join about 20 sites, click their ads and the money would start to roll in. Well reality set in after clicking for 2 hours and then walking away with $1.35. Sure I was making money, but $1.35 wasn’t my idea of a pile of money. I got discouraged pretty fast. Then some of the sites closed down, I got banned from a couple for expressing my opinion in their forums. Now I was really discouraged. This wasn’t going at all the way I had though it would. So I stopped clicking, sat back and took a look at what I was doing.

What I realized was this. I was making the same mistakes most beginners make when joining PTC sites. First I knew very little about how PTC sites operate and second, and even more important I didn’t have a strategy! No plan of action. Without a plan you are lost. You have to know what you want to do and where you want to be at different points in the future. So now after clicking for many months, I have a plan of action. Part of that plan is helping others to be successful with PTC. So what is that plan you say! Well here it is.

I call it: Steps to Profit With PTC.

Step One! Planning As I mentioned before you need a plan. Without a plan you are lost in the woods, you go from one site to the next never planning your next move. And like me and so many others you get discouraged and start thinking about quitting. But don’t quit, never give up. Think about where you want to be next year at this time and start planning your journey. Start writing your plan down. If you don’t write it down, it’s not a plan it’s only a thought. Decide how much money you want to be making in 1 year, 2 years, 5 years. You have to decide how much time you have to spend each day reaching your goals. Don’t forget PTC sites are a 7 day a week adventure. Next you need some strategy.

Step Two! Strategy So what is the best strategy? There are probably as many good strategies as there are PTC sites. I don’t know them all, but here’s one that is working for me. At any given time I belong to 25 to 30 PTC Sites. I don’t click on all of these every day. I have what I call my primary 5 to 10 sites that I click every day, the others (my secondary sites) I click anywhere from once a month to once a week. When I am not happy with the way one of my primary sites is performing I swap it with one of my secondary sites. I use this strategy so I can be a member of a lot of sites, but don’t get tied down clicking for hours.

Step Three! What sites should you join? Well I would like you to join all the sites I have listed on this web site, (ha! ha!) but that’s not necessary. There are many good site that I don’t belong to that will work well for you. Try to find sites that have been paying for a year or more. Avoid new sites unless you know something about the administrator. The best thing to look for here is if he/she is running other successful PTC sites. Beware of site that promise to much. If it looks to good to be true, it probably is. Also beware of sites with high minimum payouts or high cash out fees. If the cash out minimum is to high you may get tired of clicking ads before you get your first payout. High cash out fees are another red flag. I know of one site that charges a fee of 10% to 90%. Most of the time it’s 90%. So if your cash out balance is $30 after the high fee you end up with about $3. Not good! An active administrator is also a sign of a good site. If the administrator is active in the forum, you know he’s not afraid to put himself out front for any criticism or praise. A forum is also a must for a PTC site. Without it you really don’t know what’s going on with the site. Payment Proofs. Some people swear by them, some swear at them. Most of the time they are a positive, but keep in mind they can be fluffed.

Believe it or not I do read the PTC ads that I click on. This is how you will find info on site you may want to join. I have all my sites listed in my favorites in different groups of about 10 sites. When I’m ready I will open up a group in ten tabs and then start clicking. there are other ways to do this, but this works well for me and it may work for you. I’m using Windows 7 and IE 8. Good luck