Are you wasting your precious time in posting your ads manually to Craigslist? Now you can put an end to the tedious work with the Clad Genius, the Classified Ad Genius.
With this smart auto posting software, you are able to quickly post all of your ads to Craigslist automatically. This new piece of software allows you to cut down the amount of time your wasting posting manually by 80%. Using our auto posting solution you can do everything that you have ever imagined freeing the need for manually posting forever. Clad Genius, the smartest Craigslist auto poster, there is no match for the brains this product offers you. This means that you can spend less time advertising online and focus on the growth of your business.
The smart Craigslist bot system allows you to be able to completely automate all of your personal, business, and other types of services you are interested in offering. By only requiring a few clicks, you are able to post all of your ads quickly and see a major increase in your traffic growing your customer base. This can help you dramatically reduce the amount of stress and time that you have to spend uploading and posting each of your ads to Craigslist, Kijiji and Backpage.
If you have a lot of daily ads that you need to maintain for personal or business uses, you can organize each of your campaigns for complete efficientcy when marketing. With the Clad Genius smart auto posting software, you will have complete statistics and reports about each of your post session so you are aware what is happening in real time. Search to a prior day, week, or months ads and see the time and URLs along with the categories your ads were posted to for full reference, which is helpful if posting for a specific client.
With many other tools built into the software you can even schedule and automatically mutate the ad so it become dynamic and original getting past filters of Craigslist.
Their online marketing software includes many other additional tools that are included in their professional version which allows you to create email accounts for Gmail and Hotmail. Craigslist accounts are also a feature and it will detect whether or not it is needed before the creation process. This software really does have a brain built inside and this helps novice to advance posters get ahead in the free classified world of marketing. For those that are looking to import proxies or change IP’s frequently, the auto posting software does that as well with automated rotation for each ad that is submitted. All these features and more with professional support to help you get up and running shows that there is no other logical choice if you are interested getting an internet marketing auto poster.
With a full demo version available online you can post and see the difference from the competition out there and avoid getting your posting flagged or ghosted.
Visit and find out what the new auto classified posting software can do for you. See how much easier it can be to do all of your Craigslist, Kijiji, and Backpage marketing automatically. Don’t waste any more of your time and effort having to post all of your ads manually, let this software do it for you.