Simple Launch Secrets

You have heard this many times before but we all need to be doing more launches! And I can honestly say I have done more than enough launches that have failed. Which in the end means I didn’t get the sign ups I was hoping for. Clearly something was missing from my process.

Let’s go through this step by step. This is only one article so I can’t go into a lot of depth but hopefully I can get you thinking in the right direction.

First of all, you have to have a list. This is a list of people who have signed up with you so you can send them information, like an ezine. Without a list, who are you going to send things too?

The larger your list the larger your income will be. Although I know many people who have made lots of money with a small list. But the bottom line is you must have a list!

You also need to have a relationship with your list. This is your audience and they need to know, like and trust you before they will purchase anything from you. You need to connect with them on a regular basis. You want to engage with them. Once a month is the very least amount of contact you should have. And personally I don’t think that is enough but if that’s the best you can do, then start with that and increase as you go along.

You need to be connecting with people. Not just promoting your products or services. Talk about your life and what is going on with you. People really do want to know who you are.

Another big point is that you need to plan ahead. You can get calendar on line such a Google calendars. Plan 12 months out or longer, maybe 18 months. What are you going to launch and when? Just pencil them in because things do change.

Do you know what you are going to launch? Obviously you need a product or service that you want to promote to people. Be really clear on what that is. If you are not sure what your audience wants then do a survey and ask them. I use and it’s free and you can gather great information.

Doing a proper and successful launch takes time. You need to be organized. Pick the day you want to begin your launch and then work backwards filling in all the pieces that need to happen.

So, first 2 points are that you need your foundation in place and you need to make a plan.

The third and last tip is time. The resource you can’t get back so use it wisely.

It’s about shifting your mindset and shifting your timeline.

Your mindset goal is about how many things you want to offer your list this year. Do you need to cut it in half? I often do. I think it’s better to do fewer solid launches then do too many and be all over the place. And you will most likely make the same amount of money. It will also save you less stress and keep you out of overwhelm.

And feel free to shift your time line. So many times we want to do things so fast. I can promise it won’t hurt you to do your free teleclass every 6 weeks rather than every 4 weeks, or stretch your launch time out longer to save you some stress. This isn’t a race!!

Of course, this is all just the tip of the iceberg but I hope it gives you a sense of some simple concepts about doing your first or next launch.