Intro to Working Online: Mind Set
First off, DON’T PANIC!
I know there is a lot of information to cover and I know that you feel like your brain is going to explode. Just take things slowly and don’t worry.
Here is something I think might help. A good friend and great inspiration once said;
" What did you know the second you were born"?
I know, crazy question but I am actually being very serious. The day you were born, the moment you left your Mother’s womb, the first breath of air you took, what did you know?
Did you know how to talk…Walk? Dance? Sing? Write? Drive?
Did you know what the first time of being in love would feel like? How about Moonlight Sonata? Could you play Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata? If you did, you should be in the Guinness Book of World Records. In-fact, if you did, I would LOVE TO MEET YOU and shake your hand! Heck, I’ll even pay for lunch!
My point here is all of us knew none of the above that first moment we were brought into this world. Our only knowledge was " instinct". It was only over the years of being taught that we learned how to talk, drive, write, sing, dance etc. We had to "learn" first before any of this was possible.
Our brains were blank, just waiting to be fed with knowledge. We didn’t know anything. We instinctively knew how to breathe, who our Mother was, you get what I’m saying. This is something that people need to remember always. Why? Because I too was victim in the past of a certain wrong type of thinking.
When we are born, we are developed by our teachings and experiences with what we are surrounded by. Our brains are like computers, they only know the information they are fed with and what we are exposed to on a daily basis. This is what our belief systems are built from. When we are exposed to a negative up bringing, we tend to see things in a negative manner and vise-versa.
I can’t begin to tell you how many people I talk to who tell me " Well I can’t do that." "I wouldn’t know how to do that", " I’ll never have the money to do that", etc. This type of thinking will ALWAYS keep someone stuck. For some, they are ok with that as there always seems to be a certain fear when taking on something one has never done before. It’s scary, I get it, trust me, all to well.
I began to run from opportunity because I believed I couldn’t do it. I thought there was no way I could. "Where the heck did this come from?", I had no idea and before you knew it I lived believing that I could never be more than I was at that time. I subconsciously chose to be stuck. It was an easy way out. Sounds crazy but that was my thought process.
I had to force myself out of these limiting beliefs but I still didn’t know how to do that until one day the thought crossed my mind… " What did you know the second you were born?". It was like the brightest light of my life had finally turned on! I answered myself, " Nothing"
Because of this realization, I knew that I could now do anything. All I had to do was take the time to learn.
Listen, I do not claim to be any type of writer. I’m sure any professional reading this can easily point out all of my grammatical errors in a second, but the way I look at it is as follows…if you can read the words I type and receive the message I am sending, then a misplaced comma or period is not the end of the world.
Do you think the wealthiest people on the planet just popped out knowing how to do what they do? Were their bank accounts already full and ready to go? No! Even the wealthiest of people, at one point in time, at the start, did not know anything. What they did know was that it was time to learn and see where the road would take them and look where they are today.
How many success stories have you seen lately of housewives, single parent, people who were unemployed and have lost everything, turn it around by learning a new way to bring in an income?They knew nothing about it either, but chose to try it. They did not give into limiting beliefs. They started somewhere, learned how, and have generated more income than they ever dreamed of and continue to do this. Why, because they made up their minds and tried.
So the next time you think of successful people, the next time you "wish" you knew how to do something, the next time you say to yourself, "well I couldn’t possibly begin to do that", guess what, you are wrong. YOU CAN and YOU WILL if you want the same results badly enough. Everyone had to start from square one at some point, why are you any different?
Change the thought process = Change your life!
The next time you doubt, and I mean with anything in life, always remember, " What did I know the SECOND I was born" and watch how you see things in a new light.
Choose the position you want to be at in your life, take the 1st baby step to achieving this, and you will be surprised at the help that will find it’s way to you.