Buying a car through a car auction is no easy task. The only thing standing between you and the Porsche that you have been dreaming of since high school is a running clock, and frantic bidders racing against the cock to make the winning bid.
There’s drama, emotions, strategies manipulations and a lot of number crunching just to get your hands on the dream set of wheels. Each additional minute just adds to the price tag of each wheel. In the end when you do bring your prize home, you look through only to discover a nightmare of hidden costs in warranties, papers and technical repairs.
Car auctions have left many a brave soul in the dust with its sheer unpredictability. Imagine what would happen if that entire process shifted to the realm of cyberspace. There would be scares, but there would also be a lot of smiles along the way.
The two major problems in online car auctions are trust and warranty. How would one locate the best deals with a thousand clicking options to choose from? How would one ensure that the final transaction would leave him with a car and not just a bumper sticker? These are questions posed by curious bidders all over the world.
The answer to the first problem would be to locate two factors in a deal- the reputation of the site and the value for money offered by the dealer. A trusted site with a lot of cross references and web portals of recognized physical car dealers would be a good bet to prevent scams. For individual end to end transactions, there is always eBay, the soul of online marketing.
A good site would provide exclusive contact information and references. If you are a buyer or seller, you should be able to benefit both ways from such car auction sites. eBay transactions should be made carefully as these can lead to multiple frauds and damaged delivery with no warranty. The risk factors of incorrect paperwork, scamming sites and void warranties should always be the first priorities to check in an online car auction.
There are always a few tips to bag the deals at the auctions. Try going for a site that promises good factory made cars, and not the general used or refurnished ones at auctions. Choose a program with global delivery options as local agents can only operate on selected areas and you might miss out on some great deals just because of your location.
Look for car auctions with a fixed time limit and transparent procedure. Complex mechanisms and never ending bids can only point towards scams and damaged products. Check out sites that offer brownie points and discounted prices to registered users helping in cash rebates while purchase. Your best deals should always start from zero balance offers and not a fixed minimum price. Remember these tricks at online car auctions and you would be just a click away from your dream set of wheels.