Are you wasting your precious time in posting your ads manually to Craigslist? Now you can put an end to the tedious work with the Clad Genius, the Classified Ad Genius. With this smart auto posting software, you are able…
Auctions & Classifieds
Could eBay Supplement Your Income?
The current economic climate has taken a toll on the finances of millions of households. If you are looking for ways to supplement your income, you are not alone. Even in 2005, a study found that nearly three-quarters of a…
How to bid at Online Auction
The first step to bid on something at an online auction is to sign up on the site of auction. There are many places that you can bid online for items. The biggest and best known online auction site is…
Getting the Right House in a Foreclosed Property Auction
If you plan on bidding at a foreclosed property auction then there are some tips you need to know in order to get the best deal and avoid making any potentially costly mistakes. This article will teach you some great…
ListSafer – Add your profile to your classified listings
With violent crimes linked to classified ads sites like Craigslist in Boston and Minnesota recently making news headlines, it’s surprising that no company has emerged to make transacting on classifieds sites safer. That is until now. ListSafer is the first…