Blog Website – For Making Money

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What Is A Blog?

Your basic blog is usually informative; it provides information to your reader, on any given topic. Generally, blogs create communication between the author (you), and the reader. The author writes the blog; the reader makes comments about the blog. Usually there’s a “comment box” at the end of blog, designed for readers to post their comments — sometimes creating a discussion with other readers. These readers will respond with similar or different opinions. (This is one way of making money online.) The comments discussed will be viewed by the public — readers on the net — that visit your site. It’s similar to a public forum; the comments and discussions are linked to the specific topic being discussed. A blog is usually written as informative text. But it can also contain visual aids, such as images, videos, and links to various other sites and articles that you want to share with the world. (Now, you are making money online.) There is a difference between a” blog” and a “website “. The blog is updated with new articles periodically. The website is permanent: usually there are no updates once it’s created. Also, you can set up your own blog, but you would probably need professional help to set up a website. Just by having a blog, you are still making money online.


First, you find a topic that interests you; one that you can write about consistently (and hopefully, one that generates a lot of interest). You start writing articles, or “postings” for your blog, and then you update or add new information to it, a few times a week. You start promoting your blog by engaging in linking strategies, sharing articles, and joining social networks. Soon your blog will start to get a following of regular readers (including those people who are also interested in making money online). Your non-regular readers will find your blog by searching your content. Sometimes your blog will work like a blog-community. Authors will read, comment, and link on each others’ blogs; hereby creating an interconnected community. (You are still making money online.)


As I previously stated, (in another article) blogging is not only personal and friendly, but it can be a very lucrative business. There are many, many people on the net, who are making a full-time living as a blogger. There are many professional bloggers making thousands of dollars a month. Plus, there are some popular blogs that are currently worth hundreds of thousands of dollars! WOW ! Your online blogs can be posted in different places: YouTube blog, Video blog, FaceBook blog, and now, Twitter blog.

Using a blog has many ways for making money. The most common way, however, for a blog spot to make money is by setting up affiliate ads. You can sign up for various affiliate programs, and arrange their ads on your blog pages. You post blogs that promote the affiliate’s products, and include the affiliate’s links in the text of your blog site. You use and choose strategies to get traffic to your blog site. Getting “traffic” simply means getting people to find your information, in your blog spots, and click to buy the product that you’re promoting. Each time someone clicks to buy a product that you have promoted, you make commission money. The more people who are clicking into your blog site, the more people you’ll have, who can click out and make you money (from the affiliate’s page). Some companies offer free blogs, with hosting, so that you can start promoting their content on the internet, instantly. You write; you post; and you publish — with the click of a button. And last, but certainly not least, you are making money!