If you want to save time setting up your new online business, Affiliate Marketing is possibly the best way to go as it is the closest thing to cut and paste in the world of Internet Marketing. If you think of it this way, Affiliate Marketing is about reselling an existing product so you don’t have to worry about creating one. If you are working with an excellent product owner, they will put at your disposal a lot of valuable tools and material that you can use as you see fit. These would include such things as high click through banners that you can put on your website and all you need to do is copy and paste the html code onto your site. Other valuable material would include product images, screen shots of the product you will be reselling and also pay per click keywords that will maximize the exposure of your website to search engines. Some of the better and most experience product owners will even put at your disposal pre-built landing pages that you can download and start using immediately to promote their product. A great product owner has a vested interest in your business endeavor because if you are successful so will he or she. Reputable and experienced product owners will also provide you with email templates and training videos to help you build review sites which are one way you can promote your product. To find out if a certain product comes with an Affiliate Program, you can do one of the three following things: 1) look for affiliates either at the top or the very bottom of the page that says "affiliates" or "partners" and click, 2) you even can type into Google "the name of a typical + product affiliate program" if there’s an affiliate program it will shop up at or near the top of the page. And of course, you can also go to places like ClickBank or PayDotCom to discover if that product listed.
If you go into Affiliate Marketing, make sure you partner with a product owner who has developed an excellent reputation and will make it as easy as possible for you to be successful. Affiliate Marketing is a lot of fun, but it does take a lot of work in order to be successful so your best bet is to find a product owner who will also make it very easy on you to develop your business.